Sunday, October 12, 2014

Asian Empire Travel Blog: The Ming Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty started with a peasant named Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the last Mughal emperor with the help with his rebel army. He then created the Ming Dynasty and renamed himself Hongwu. During his reign, he reduced taxes, improved agriculture, banned all Mongols, and improved trade. He wanted every Mongol influence expelled and when he got anyone challenging his authority, he eliminated them. The people of the Ming Dynasty thought that Hongwu was a good leader because he did a lot of good deeds.
If I interviewed Hongwu, here is what I would ask and what he would answer.
Q: How did you find the Ming Dynasty?
A: When the Yuan Empire declined, we attacked the city and I stepped up to take the throne.
Q: What did you do during your reign?
A: I changed the taxes, improved agriculture and trade, and revived traditional Chinese practices. I also improved the civil service examination system.
Q: Is it true that you added more guards to keep an eye on the city?
A: Yes.

Hongwu died in 1398, and then his son took over. The Ming Dynasty began to weaken in the 1500s and then in the 1600s rebellions broke out due to famine and hardships. The Ming Dynasty ended in 1644 when the Manchu attacked and stole the city of Beijing.

Beijing. China

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